
Thursday, November 24, 2016

Influenster Box

This week  I received a package in the mail from Influenster. Influenster is a website/app where you can take surveys and have stuff sent to you for free. In return, you have to write reviews and do different activities.

I wasn't expecting the package I received this week. This is my birthday month so it was a nice surprise. I forgot I filled out a survey for these products. I received the Elf package today and I am so excited. I love Elf makeup. I use it with Covergirl daily. I am excited for the products I received.
Time to get a holiday glow!

I will post an updated blog post after I try the products out a couple of times. This is just an initial post introducing the products.

I received 5 products from Influenster:

Hydrating Bubble Mask- This product goes on as a gel, and then transforms into a refreshing fizzy bubble foam that removes excess dirt and cleanses pores without drying them out.

Mineral Infused Primer- This product helps prep your skin so makeup goes on silky smooth for a long-lasting finish.

Lip Exfoliator- This product treats and helps smooth lips for a soft and supple pout.

Matte Lip Color- This product glides on effortlessly and gives long lasting, richly pigmented matte color.

Baked Highlighter and Bronzer- This product creates a gorgeous sculpted glow.

I am so excited to try out these products! And I am going to post a detailed review when I have used them for a couple of days. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving is tomorrow and it has me thinking. My birthday has also passed. It was November 10th and I turned 21. In honor of my birthday and Thanksgiving, I am going to post 21 things I am thankful for.

We shouldn't just be thankful during the month of November. We should be thankful every day. Included below are 21 reasons I am thankful:

1) I am thankful for my parents.

2) I am thankful for my 3 brothers.

3) I am thankful for God.

4) I am thankful for my friends.

5) I am thankful for my youth group.

6) I am thankful for my church.

7) I am thankful that I knew my grandfather.

8) I am thankful for baseball.

9) I am thankful for football.

10) I am thankful for ESCC.

11) I am thankful for Courtney T.

12) I am thankful for John Cody Burdeshaw.

13) I am thankful for my Ambassador family.

14) I am thankful for Samantha S.

15) I am thankful for my Education friends.

16) I am thankful for Christmas.

17)I am thankful for my hometown.

18)I am thankful for fall and winter.

19)I am thankful for Netflix.

20)I am thankful for my high school friends.

21)I am thankful for Byron and his friendship.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Beeswax Lipbalm

Hi, guys. I just wanted to let y'all know a product I was sent by an amazing girl to try out. It is a lip balm that is made out of beeswax. The name of the company is Bee by G Beauty. Her father owns the bees and the beeswax is harvested from them. All of the products are natural. She said that she makes the lip balm with moisture in mind so that it is great for your lips and works to heal the skin. Right now her shop is just lip balm but she hopes to expand to lotions and scrubs soon with the same skin healthy thoughts in mind. 

I received the products in the mail this past weekend and I have been using them all week. The products are so wonderful. They have made my lips really soft and helped with them being chapped. She sent me two scents and they are peppermint and vanilla. I love them both! They both have wonderful smells and go on really smooth. She did say that the products are thicker than the ones you buy in the store but you can just fix that by the heat in your fingers. 

The lip balm comes in these cute containers with a label on it. They are so small and easy to transport.

This is going to be my go-to lip balm this winter season. If you want to check her out, I have linked her Instagram and Etsy Shop pages down below. 

Her Instagram page is Bee by G Beauty

Her Etsy shop is Bee by G Beauty

Thursday, November 3, 2016

How do I find the right one?

Every girl is focused on finding the right one but is they finding the one that God has set aside for them. God has the perfect person set aside for us and he will show him to us at the right time. He is preparing us for the day when he shows us that person. I know that sometimes I want God to hurry up and show me who he is but I know that he is preparing both of our hearts. He is preparing me to become a Proverbs 31 woman. He is preparing the man that I am going to marry someday to be a Godly husband.

Here are some verses that go along with this:

Genesis 1:26-27
--Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground. So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.  

God created us in his image. We are creatures that he created to be just like him.

Genesis 2:15
-- The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.

Genesis 2:19-25
-- Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals. But for Adam no suitable helper was found. So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man's ribs and then closed up the place with flesh. Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. The man said, "This is now bone of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman,' for she was taken out of man." That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh. Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame.

We are so focused on finding the one that we miss the most important goal of finding God's one. We don't want to be single anymore. We want to have a boyfriend that will show us attention but sometimes we aren't with God's one. I know there was a bunch of times where I thought that I had found God's one but he wasn't. He treated me horribly but I appreciated the attention he gave me. I thought that maybe I could have stuck it out for 4 years. I ended that over the summer. Now, I'm just trying to find God's one. I'm going to stay single until God points him out to me. And I think that he has. He is amazing and nothing like the other guys.

Am I becoming the one?

I'm trying to. I'm trying to let God handle it.

Here are some tips for girls and guys on becoming the one and getting ready for God to reveal to you that he is ready for you to find his one for you:

1) Love Jesus
2) Live from your beauty
being or acting dumb is dumb
3) Close the pawn shop
4) Stock the fridge

1) Love Jesus
2) Protect your heart
3) Get your life in order
4) Say Yes to the Dress (Protect a girl's heart)

God is with us. He is with us all the time. We just need to realize that when something isn't working out then maybe he is letting you know that he is still here.

He has the perfect person picked out for us. And when we find them, it will be amazing. I have seen people that find God's one for them and it is so beautiful. Their relationship is so focused on God and you can see their love for each other and him.

He just doesn't show them to us immediately. They may come at the best or worst moments. And when he does. There is no going back.